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St Nicholas of Tolentine Catholic Primary School

Where charity and love are, God is there

Y6 - Topaz Class


Welcome to the class of 2025!

'We are respectful; We are ready; We are safe'


The children have already embraced these three rules in school and this has helped us all to make a tremendous start to the final year of the final year at St Nicholas' and we are already working hard, growing up and making memories.

Year six can sometimes feel daunting, with big changes on the horizon and the end of Key Stage SATs in May but there is always something to look forward to as well and I am already excited for the successes your child will enjoy this year.


In terms of supporting your child at home, the most useful thing that you can do is make sure they are still practising their times tables , learning spellings , and reading aloud every day (especially to discuss what words or phrases mean if they don't already know).


The class are already working amazingly hard and I know will make you (and me!) so proud!


As always, I am at the classroom door at the end of each day and you are always welcome to speak to me about anything you need to.    Please click on the Topic Web below to find out what we are learning this term and of course, keep your eye on ClassDojo for the latest news and updates about what year 6 have been up to!




Best Wishes,


Miss Stanger



PS - Here are a few reminders about school and home learning in year 6 that you might find helpful....




 Year 6 have have PE in school on Tuesdays (swimming) and Fridays. They should turn up wearing the correct PE kit : plain  white T-shirt and black or navy joggers, shorts or leggings. No jeans or patterned T shirts or leggings please.



Reading to an adult or older sibling is still really important in year 6, especially the discussions around what they have read. Children need to read aloud to an adult daily and the adult should sign their reading record to show this.




Children should know all their multiplication facts up to 12 x 12 by year 6 but daily practice is important so they don't forget them.  Knowing these table facts off by heart makes a big difference to how quickly children can progress in the rest of their maths. is a great website for practising!





Class news, information and celebrations are shared regularly and on Class Dojo. Please make sure you are signed up.

TOPIC WEB FOR TERM 1: Have a look and see what we will be up to!
