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St Nicholas of Tolentine Catholic Primary School

Where charity and love are, God is there


Safeguarding Team - Key Contacts

Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility

See, Hear, Respond - Barnados

Keeping Children Safe in Education - September 2023

Parents guide to Fortnite

Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)

If you have an allegation about The Headteacher or The Governors then please contact the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) who is currently

Nicola Laird on 0117 9037795 or through


In order to manage allegations against child care professionals, every Local Authority appoints a Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO). The LADO should be alerted to all cases in which it is alleged that a person who works with children has:

  • behaved in a way that has harmed, or may have harmed, a child
  • possibly committed a criminal offence against children, or related to a child, or
  • behaved towards a child or children in a way that indicates s/he may pose a risk to children. (Working Together 2015)

The LADO ensures that all allegations or concerns about professionals or adults working or volunteering with children are recorded appropriately, monitored and progressed in a timely and confidential way.

ACEs video

Still image for this video
This video highlights the effects of adverse childhood experiences and tells you how to support children through them.

Useful Links


Please see our Esafety page for advice, guidance and helpful links to keep children safe online.
