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St Nicholas of Tolentine Catholic Primary School

Where charity and love are, God is there

Y1/2 - Emerald Class

Term 6: 

Our topic in Term 6 we are learning all about The Great Fire of London. This is a history based topic and the children have already learnt a special song about the events that unfolded! 

Term 5: Plants


Our topic this term is all about plants. We will be learning what a plant is, parts of a plants and doing simple experiments around plants. 

Plants Topic Web: Term 5

Uganda: Where is it and what is it like?


In Term 4 the children will be learning all about Uganda and what it is like there. We will be focussing on its capital city Kampala and thinking about the similarities and differences to Bristol. 


PE days will continue to be on Tuesdays and Thursdays.


Spellings will be completed with children on Thursdays. Please see Class Dojo for the class spelling list. 

Term 4: Uganda-Where is Uganda and what is it like?

Term 3 - What makes an animal?


In Term 3 Emerald Class topic is all about animals. We will be thinking about what makes an animal in Science and thinking about the history of animals too.


PE will continue to be on Tuesday's and Thursday's.


All reading books to be in daily and reading books will be changed on a Tuesday and Friday.


Many thanks,


Year 1/2 Team

What makes an animal? Term 3

Year 1/2 Term 2: Which materials make the best houses?


This term we will be focussing on the history of houses from Celtic through to modern day. We will also be looking at materials and their properties and thinking about what materials are best to use when building a house. 


Year 1/2 will still have PE on Tuesday and Thursday and we will be practising for our KS1 Nativity! 

Year 1/2 Topic Web Term 2

Year 1/2 Term 1 Topic Web- Flight


On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning, Year 1/2 will be taught by Mrs Rosolek-Field and on Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday, Year 1/2 will be taught by Miss Gunning. 


PE days are Tuesday and Thursday in Year 1/2. 


Reading books need to be read daily and signed by a parent and these can be changed everyday. 


We will communicate with you through class dojo and leave messages for parents on the app. Please message up if you need any help or have any questions. 

If you aren't connected on Class Dojo yet, please let a teacher in school know. 

Please remember to read with your child at least five times per week.  This can be recorded in their home learning diaries.

You might also like to help your child practise their spellings or their times tables.  Spellings will be sent home weekly from Week 2.

These websites are very helpful for home learning ideas and support:

Times Table Rockstars:  Please ask at school if you don't have your child's login.


BBC Bitesize English Games:  A range of fun games for year 2 to play.

Online Phonics Games:  Online Phonics fun!

BookTrust Book Finder:  Help your child find their next favourite book.


