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St Nicholas of Tolentine Catholic Primary School

Where charity and love are, God is there

EYFS - Diamond Class

Welcome to Diamond Class! 


Our Teacher is Miss Watson and we are supported by Mrs Maynard and Miss Logan. 

On Thursday afternoons we have forest school with Miss Logan.


Explore our class page to see all the exciting learning that takes place!


📕 Reading - We will be changing books once children can read their allocated books fluently. Please bring in your reading folders everyday. We have lots of volunteers and teachers who love to read with children. By having your reading folders in everyday, children have lots of opportunities to read! Please read daily with your child and sign their reading diaries. 


âš½ PE - Every Tuesday we will be having our PE sessions in the afternoon. Please bring in PE kits every Tuesday to change in school. Children will need a white top, black leggings/ joggers and daps.  


🌳 Forest School - Every Thursday the children will have Forest School with Miss Logan. Please can all children bring a spare pair of clothes, welly boots and a waterproof jacket!

Class Dojo - Class news, information and celebrations are shared regularly on Class Dojo. Please make sure you are signed up. 


Tapestry - Please sign up to Tapestry to see your children's learning! This is for Reception children only. You can download the app or visit the website:
