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St Nicholas of Tolentine Catholic Primary School

Where charity and love are, God is there

Get Hands on - New Equipment

We are so grateful that Get Hands On chose our school to receive it all. Saint James’ Place, who volunteered to ensure everything was completed, were incredible. It was brilliant to see local businesses supporting local schools and improving the quality of education for the children of Easton. Through the week the children have been able to watch it all emerge from nothing to creative structures in front of their eyes. Today we said goodbye to the team as they officially handed over the equipment to us. Everyone who volunteered made positive comments about our children and their experience of the school, they loved that parents came along to say thank you and that the Lord Mayor opened the outdoor classroom. We have so many photos of the work that we are sifting through them all. We will add them to Class Dojo and the website when we have finished. 
