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St Nicholas of Tolentine Catholic Primary School

Where charity and love are, God is there

Cultural Alliance Workshop

Year 3 Cultural Alliance Workshop

Year 3 had a really fun and engaging movement workshop with the ladies from Trinity. We worked in small groups to come up with different types of movements to then put them into a sequence. We then performed out dances to each group. Trinity brought a lot of energy to the workshop and the children really enjoyed themselves!

Year 4 Cultural Alliance Workshop

Year 4 loved expressing themselves through drama with our workshop last Friday. We worked in groups to create our own performances on a given theme: food, music and colours. We are so excited to be continuing this project next year!

Year 5 Cultural Alliance Workshop

Year 5 met with creatives from Trinity for a creative workshop! They made posters with their names to introduce themselves and spoke about how everyone is creative in their own way! They also interviewed children about what they believe creativity is... they even interviewed Mr Ford!
