Y5 - Sapphire Class
Hi everyone,
Mr Ford here with some information about our class and the year ahead!
I will keep this updated with any new information.
PE and Swimming Lessons
This term;
- PE will take place on Friday and children can come to school wearing their PE kit.
- Swimming will take place on Tuesday and children should bring their kit to school.
PE kit : plain white T-shirt and black or navy joggers, shorts or leggings. No jeans or patterned T shirts or leggings please.
Reading to an adult or older sibling is still really important in year 5, especially the discussions around what they have read. Children need to read aloud to an adult daily and the adult should sign their reading record to show this.
Children should know all their multiplication facts up to 12 x 12 by year 6 but daily practise is important so they don't forget them. Knowing these table facts off by heart makes a big difference to how quickly children can progress in the rest of their maths.
All pupils have logins for Times Table Rockstars. Please play regularly! Your teacher can log in and see your high scores!
Children are sent home spellings to learn each week and will be tested on Monday morning. They need to spend some time learning these at home.
Homework, including SPAG, Writing, Maths, and Handwriting is set each Friday and homework packs are expected to be returned before the following Friday.
Class news, information and celebrations are shared regularly and on Class Dojo. Please make sure you are signed up.