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St Nicholas of Tolentine Catholic Primary School

Where charity and love are, God is there


How we learn PSHE


Personal, Social and Emotional and Health (PSHE) education is woven through our whole curriculum and underpins our approach to teaching. We know that our children learn best when they are confident and happy. We work as a whole school team to develop our children as resilient learners, and therefore PSHE is taught weekly and discretely in all classes as well as an approach to developing our children social and emotional well-being throughout the school day. Understanding the emotional development and needs of our children drives our approach to promoting positive behaviours. To teach PSHE, we use the JIGSAW scheme of work. 


To find out more information visit:

Information for parents and carers about PSHE

Progression of Skills in PSHE

We ensure that children understand what bullying behaviour is and that it is unacceptable in our school community.  This is explored particularly in-depth during Ant-Bullying Week in November each year. However, the message is reiterated throughout the year. The following link gives more information about the themes of Anti-Bullying Week for 2022  as well as advice, tools and activities for parents and carers.
