Chaplaincy Training 23.03.23
The day started with an ice-breaker to get the children talking to children from other schools.
The children worked in groups (with children from other schools) to share what they, as chaplains, did at their own schools under the headings - Pray, Act, Give. This was a great opportunity to share how Chaplains lead in other schools.
Alaya and Chioma took on the responsibility of feeding back to the whole group what their groups had shared.
After a break, the children worked in groups (own schools) to create a cross from a piece of paper by folding it and using a single cut!
They also worked in groups to recall what happened in Holy Week (Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday),
The children, again in groups (own schools), were given pictures showing the 14 stations of the cross and were challenged to put them into order.
The children then went into the church for a short 'service' based around the stations of the cross. For each station, there was a short prayer, reading and reflection.
This was a lovely day for our Chaplains to reflect on the importance of Lent and Easter.