Y4 - Amethyst Class
Welcome to Year 4!
Class Teacher: Miss McAllister
With support from Miss Hassett and Mr Taijan
Term 1 (September - October 2024)
🕘Doors open at 8:40am for 1:1 reading, feedback and interventions.
🌧Please check the weather forecast and bring coats when it's raining.
👟PE is Mondays and Thursdays this term. Please wear PE kits all day: plain white top, plain black/navy joggers, trainers.
👔Full school uniform should be worn every other day.
🚰Water bottles must be brought every day.
📚Reading books and diaries need to be in every day. Even when children are free readers, they still need to be reading to an adult at least 5x a week at home. Please sign diaries when you hear your child read.
📝Spellings went home in week one. Please practise for tests every Monday.
Click the links below to find out about our learning for this year.
Class Dojo
Class news, information and celebrations are shared regularly and on Class Dojo. Please make sure you are signed up.