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St Nicholas of Tolentine Catholic Primary School

Where charity and love are, God is there

STEAM Day - Dec 22

We held our first STEAM day, the focus was around Science and inspirational Scientists. Each class were allocated an inspirational Scientist to form their work around. The school was a hive of hands on learning, every child was involved and thoroughly enjoyed the day.

In Diamond Class we learnt all about Mae Jemison - the first black woman to go into space! We acted out what it would have been like in the space rocket, we created galaxy paintings and paintings of planet Earth. We also wrote what we would like to take into space.   

Emerald Class were learning about the nutritional biochemist Dr Charlotte Armah and her discovery that some vegetables can prevent some diseases.  As some vegetables like broccoli are 'superfoods', we explored what they smelled and looked like before cutting them open and using them as stamps to print our own vegetable superheroes.  The children also learned about the importance of a balanced diet and worked in groups to make their own balanced and healthy meals.


Ruby class learnt how Dr Jasmin Scarlett overcame ill health to become a volcanologist. We created our own volcano models and watched one 'erupt'! The class enjoyed learning about different rock types through a scientific experiment using wax crayons, hot water & pressure.


Amethyst recapped their knowledge on Mark Richards AKA DJ Kemist and used junk modelling and different materials to make instruments. Their ideas, planning and problem solving skills were amazing! 
Sapphire Class researched Dr Maggie Aderin- Pocock's life and achievements. They then learnt about black and white holes in space, as well as the possibilities of a multiverse. They also created art based upon Damian Hirst's planet artwork.

Topaz Class learned about Greta Thunberg and what she had to say about climate change.  We worked in groups to puzzle out a diagram that explains why our planet is heating up and then designed a board game to teach others what they can do to help slow it down.
