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St Nicholas of Tolentine Catholic Primary School

Where charity and love are, God is there


Term 2


This term in Ruby Class we will be writing information texts. We will be using the texts The Stone Age Boy and The Pebble in my Pocket to support our writing skills. 


We wrote our own 'All About the Stone Age' booklets to inform people about everything we have learnt about the Stone Age this term. 

Term 3


This term Ruby Class will be looking at writing character descriptions and fact files! We will be using the texts The Vikings: Raiders, Traders and Adventurers! By Marcia Williams Arthur and The Golden Rope by Joe Stanton. 

Term 4


This term Ruby Class will be looking at stories from around the world to help us write our own stories with direct speech. We will be using the text The Invisible by Tom Percival and Treasury of magical tales from around the world (National Geographic).

Term 5


This term Ruby Class will be looking at writing newspaper reports. We will be using the texts 'So You Think You've Got It Bad? - A Kid's Life In Ancient Egypt' and 'Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx' to support our writing.


Common Exception Words

