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St Nicholas of Tolentine Catholic Primary School

Where charity and love are, God is there

All Saints Mass

In 835AD the Church named this day ‘All Saints Day’ and so today we honoured all the great people who have been made Saints.

Saints are men and women from all ages and walks of life, who are outstanding followers of Christ. Some even died for their faith. 

We often think of the great Saints such as Mother Theresa, Saint Paul and Saint Nicholas of Tolentino. However, today we remembered all Saints, great and forgotten.


We took a heart to symbolise the kindness, peace and love that our saints have brought the world. 
We took a candle to remember all of the saints who are with us from their place in heaven, shining a light to guide and help us. 
We took a picture of our own St Nicholas of Tolentino who inspires us to be more like Jesus and all the saints. 
